Who run the (sales) world? Girls! Who run the (sales) world? Girls!
Just like Queen B tells us, women are kicking ass and taking names in the B2B SaaS sales world.
To celebrate these efforts, we wanted to highlight five inspiring women who are absolutely killing the sales game.
Cynthia Barnes
Founder and CEO at National Association of Women Sales Professionals (NAWSP)
Cynthia works hard to help other women achieve success in the sales world.
Her LinkedIn page is filled with tips to help women in sales achieve a strong mindset, deal with ageism, and encourage diversity in the tech space.
On top of this, she was the keynote speaker at one of the biggest sales conferences in the U.S., Outbound 2022.
Speaking about the need for representation in sales, Cynthia explained, “Representation matters…We can’t be what we can’t see. While more women of color are entering sales, most sales teams and leadership remain white and male. I’m so excited to show those who look like me that their gender or race is not a roadblock to success.”
Pretty inspiring, to put it lightly.
Amy Volas
Founder and CEO of Avenue Talent Partners
For Amy, it’s all about giving these sales leaders the tools they need to succeed in the sales world.
And boy does she give some inspiring and practical advice.
“The magic starts when you check your ego and accept that you don’t have all the answers. It’s what you’re doing to get those answers that matter. Sales is not a one-size-fits-all world. It’s why frameworks trump playbooks,” she noted.
Woah. Those are some words to live by.
Ashleigh Early
Host and CEO of The Other Side of Sales
Ashleigh Early wants to make the vision of a completely inclusive sales culture a reality.
And her podcast, The Other Side of Sales, is devoted to doing just that by having difficult conversations and giving a voice to those that are underrepresented.
She doesn’t shy away from tackling complex topics like toxic masculinity, evaluating compensation plans, poaching talent, promotions and raises, allyship, and being a female founder and business leader as well as sharing personal mistakes that she has learned from.
“Part of being an ally means inevitably messing up. That’s ok. No one is perfect. What is not okay is claiming ignorance, attacking those holding you accountable, gaslighting or dismissing the impact your actions had on others,” Ashleigh noted.
Plus, on her LinkedIn, she gives tons of shoutouts to other women in sales that are making an impact.
Damn. Color us impressed.
Lori Richardson
Sales Coach, Speaker, Author, and Podcaster
As the founder of Women Sales Pros, Lori prides herself on supporting women in sales and in sales leadership.
Bringing decades of experience in sales to the table, Lori shares tons of valuable insights that everyone in sales can learn from.
“Use supportive beliefs that support your goal toward learning what your buyers need by setting up enough conversations to learn from actual prospects, and also strategic referrers,” she explained.
Wise words.
Karina Erickson
Sales Team Lead at Walnut
Let’s put it this way, Karina is absolutely crushing it.
After just one year, she was promoted to Sales Team Lead at Walnut and will now be directly shaping the trajectory of the Commercial Team going forward.
Plus, she was voted Commercial AE of the year by the team.
Not too shabby if we don’t say so ourselves.
Check out how she uses Walnut to sell Walnut and get to know more about her in the video below:
How can everyone improve the sales process for buyers?
These women are doing their part to change B2B sales for the better.
But there are also things each and every one of us can be doing to improve the sales process for buyers.
And one of these things is delivering personalized and interactive product demos.
Because when customers can see products in action for themselves, it helps improve the B2B sales world for both buyers and sellers.
Want to improve your prospects’ sales experiences? Click on that “Get Started” button.