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The Funniest Sales Memes We Found Online

Sales Memes

Updated November 10, 2022.

Who would we be if we didn’t have an entire blog article dedicated to the funniest sales memes on the internet? 

Well, we definitely wouldn’t be Walnut. Because while we’re nuts about sales, we’re even more nuts about sales memes.  

Sure, you can say that this sort of article might be kind of distracting for sales pros. But everyone deserves a break now and again. 

Of course, some of these memes are our own creations—we couldn’t help ourselves. But we also couldn’t ignore the hilarious minds at other sales blogs and channels, so we added their masterpieces here for you as well. 

PS: If by mistake, one of the credits we gave isn’t accurate, we blame the internet—it’s easy and free! However, we’d really like to fix it. So if you suspect there’s been a case of miss-crediting, shoot an email to He’ll gladly take care of it. 

So, without further ado, here’s our roundup of the funniest sales memes the internet has to offer:

When the deal is never going to happen

A meme about when the deal is never going to happen
A meme about when the deal is never going to happen
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about when the deal is never going to happen
Source: Sales Humor

Prospect ghosting

Source: Sales Humor

When that quota seems impossible

A meme about missing the quota
Source: The Daily Sales 
A meme about missing the quota
Source: Sales Humor

The average SDR personalization strategy

A meme about personalization

Remembering the prospect’s name

A meme about remembering the prospect's name
Source: Sales Humor

The sales squad

Live demo struggles

A meme about live demo struggles
Source: Dooly

Updating the CRM

A meme about updating the CRM
Source: Dooly
A meme about updating the CRM
Source: Dooly
A meme about updating the CRM
Source: Dooly

When the joke just doesn’t land

A meme about when the joke just doesn’t land
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about when the joke just doesn’t land

Budget pains 

A meme about buget pains
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about budget pains
Source: Sales Humor

Reps are just like us, only with more caffeine jitters

A meme about sales reps
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about sales reps
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about sales reps
Source: RepVue
A meme about sales reps
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about sales reps
Source: Sales Humor

Deciphering the comp plan

A meme about deciphering the comp plan
Source: Sales Humor

Gotta love the sales process

A meme about the sales process
A meme about the sales process
Source: Dooly
A meme about the sales process

End of the quarter stress pains

Source: Sales Humor
A meme about the end of the quarter
Source: Sales Humor
A meme about the end of the quarter
Meme about end of the quarter
Source: Sales Humor 

Let prospects try before they buy!

A meme about letting prospects try before they buy
A meme about letting prospects try before they buy
A meme about letting prospects try before they buy

Let’s get serious for a minute

We are the first to admit that we have a blast poking fun at the B2B sales universe.

What can we say? We can’t help ourselves.

But all jokes aside, we can’t ignore the fact that B2B sales needs to change. And one of the ways we can help make the sales process better is through more personalized and interactive product demos.  

Because when prospects can actually see why a product is life-changing for themselves, it makes the B2B sales world better for both buyers and sellers.    

Recommended reads:

Love a good laugh as much as we do? We thought so! Follow us on LinkedIn to see even more hilarious sales-related content. 

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