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4 min read

Why We Launched the First Sales Experience Platform - Plus, How It Works

Why We Launched Walnut

In the beginning, the concept behind Walnut’s founding was to relieve sales teams from the struggles of live demos: lackluster experiences for clients, bugs, crashes, and more.

We all shed a tear when we recall the “blue screen of death” of Bill Gates during the presentation of Windows 98 on TV-  as well as many other legendary product demo fails. In order to make sure this won’t happen again, we launched last October, our first-of-its kind codeless product demo editor. This tool allows sales professionals to create easily customized interactive demos, and present them in an encapsulated sales demo environment.

In a nutshell, this means better demos that never break… for everyone.

Major companies around the world wanted in, and we started working with clients like Adobe, Varonis ($4B cyber enterprise), and many others. For this launch, we’ve been nominated for awards such as “Hottest SaaS Startup,” “Product Hunt’s Product of the Year,” and more.

But as we moved on, we came to the understanding that we just touched the tip of a very deep iceberg. The demo itself wasn’t the main issue. It’s the whole B2B sales experience that’s broken.

And there was no tool or platform out there that fully addressed this significant pain.

That’s why we created the first Sales Experience Platform – and it’s already a success on Product Hunt!

Why we launched the first Sales Experience Platform

The pain: The B2B sales nightmare

First let’s explain the problem.

Prospects today are more savvy than ever before. Paradoxically, while 74% of B2B buyers do at least half of their research online before they buy, 77% of them state that their latest purchase was very complex or difficult.


Because sales processes are fragmented and repetitive, lack transparency and consistency, and involve too many decision makers. Though days for champions, take our word for it.

On their sides, sales teams spend a tremendous amount of time and resources on creating their product demos, without getting any insights on their performance. Not to mention the scalability issues in this chaotic process, that runs mad sales leaders and operations managers.

And that’s exactly what we are solving. How? Glad you asked.

The solution: The Sales Experience Platform

The Walnut Sales Experience Platform was designed to make the sales process more personalized, consistent, and efficient.

You already know that with Walnut, your sales team can instantly customize their demos to meet the exact needs of each prospect – without coding or involving other teams. From now on, they can also collect insights on your prospects’ demo usage to understand what features of your product are the most valuable to them and optimize the sales process accordingly.

In addition, with our new sharing, collaboration, and embed options, you can now ensure your prospects interact with your product demo from the earliest stages of the sales process and until its very end. They can play with your demo as they land on your website, receive a custom link via email, and even collaborate with your team (and theirs) to make sure your product addresses their unique needs.

We also recently released major new features such as annotations to help your prospects navigate your product and understand its value more efficiently. We also upgraded our demo management infrastructure, allowing you to scale your demo creation process in a more organized way.

“The personalization features and self-guided demos provide B2B buyers with a customer-centric experience. Sales teams can finally create customization at scale. B2B sales are entering a new age, and we are proud to build and pioneer this category.” Yoav Vilner, CEO and Co-founder – Walnut

In other words, with our Sales Experience Platform, your prospects enjoy seamless experiences tailored to their needs while your team saves time and gains efficiency.

Our new video summarizes this idea:

How to offer perfect sales experiences with Walnut?

Since our platform was designed to improve the experience of all involved sides throughout each step of the sales process, let’s break it down and see how it works:

Walnut Sales Experience Platform

That’s it. We’re really proud to be pioneering this new category in the sales ecosystem, and we’ll keep working continuously to fulfill our mission of revolutionizing B2B sales experiences.

Ready to offer sales experiences that convert?

Request a demo today> 

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