In our 4th episode, we sat down with Alon Gilat, who is a product marketing expert.
Watch this amazing episode to learn why he loves working in product marketing, find out what the worst mistake to avoid is, and hear the craziest thing that happened to him during a launch.
Watch the video or read the transcript below:
Name the top 3 things about working in product marketing.
We get to create amazing stories that resonate with people. We make a big impact, and we work with all the really interesting teams in the company.
What’s your biggest product marketing no-no?
Don’t shout at your team.
What’s the worst mistake to avoid?
Losing touch with your customers. You know, the real needs, the real feelings, the real product experience that they’re getting.
What’s the craziest thing that happened to you during a launch?
Everything went smoothly. Everyone was just in shock.
What’s the most awkward thing that ever happened to you on a Zoom call?
I was attending a Zoom call with a prospect and the person did not want to identify himself. He went as Mr. Robot with a picture of Mr. Robot from the Netflix show a few years ago. So, that was pretty awkward.
To win 5-lbs of walnuts, count down from 10 but switch 1,4,7,9 with the word “walnut”.
Ten, walnut, eight, walnut, six, walnut, four, three, two, walnut. Was it right?