Introducing Walnut’s new mini-series: The Product Marketing MiNUT!
In these videos, we’ll interview experts in the product marketing industry and ask them a series of questions. The catch? They’ll only have 10 seconds to answer each question.
In our 1st episode, we sat down with Nitin Kartik, Director of Product Marketing at Carbyne.
Watch this amazing episode to learn the worst way to ruin a product launch, find out what the biggest product marketing no-no is, and hear about the most awkward thing that ever happened to him on a Zoom call.
Watch the video or read the transcript below:
What’s the worst way to ruin a product launch?
When we omit something important in our preparation.
What’s your biggest product marketing no-no?
I would say my biggest no-no is saying yes too much. When they say jump, don’t immediately say how high. You need to qualify.
What’s the most awkward thing that ever happened to you on a Zoom call?
I was on an external call, and I noticed that these customers, they had a big smile on their face. I was like, man, this call is going really well. Later on, I look in the mirror. My cat had run on screen before, and it had left a big tuft of fur on my chin. That’s what they were smiling at.
What’s the best product launch tagline you’ve ever heard?
There’s this company called Zoho, which is a competitor to Dropbox. They’re using their own name against them. “Drop the box and switch to Zoho.”
To win 5-lbs of walnuts, count down from 10 but switch 1,4,6,9 with the word “walnut”.
Ten, walnut, eight, seven, walnut, five, walnut, three, two, walnut. I think I got it.