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The Sales MiNUT— Andrés Franklin, VP of Revenue at Swing Education

The Sales MiNUT— Andrés Franklin, VP of Revenue at Swing Education

In our 10th episode of The Sales MiNUT, we sat down with Andrés Franklin, the VP of Revenue at Swing Education.

Watch this 1-minute video to hear about the most awkward thing that ever happened to him on a Zoom call, learn what sales reps should do to make the buying experience better for prospects, and find out what his favorite sales book is.

Watch the video or read the transcripts below:

What’s the most awkward thing that ever happened to you on a Zoom call?

I was having a call with a customer and I think he thought his camera was off. The whole time he was sitting there in his underwear, no shirt. It was like a 45 minute call.

What’s the best piece of sales coaching you ever received?

Be curious and talk less. 

What’s something sales reps should do to make the buying experience better for prospects?

Reps often forget that buyers have bosses too. So just figure out how to make them look like rock stars in front of their boss.

Which sales pro, dead or alive, would you wanna grab a beer/coffee with?

Jonathan Zoob.

He’s a powerhouse. He started this super cool nonprofit to mentor young salespeople from humble backgrounds.

I think I’m going to call him right after this is over.

What’s the best sales book you’ve ever read?

The Sales Development Playbook.

Best tip to handle a ghosting prospect?

If you’ve done your job right and they’re ghosting you, it’s probably because the problem you can solve for them is not a priority. So tell them you’ll reach out later and move on.

To win 5-lbs of walnuts, count down from 10 but switch 1,3,6,10 with the word “walnut”. 

I’m going to have to cheat.

Walnut, nine, eight, seven, walnut, five, four, walnut, two, walnut.


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