In our 9th episode of The Sales MiNUT, we sat down with Daryl Mason, the CRO of Accord.
Watch this 1-minute video to learn how he handles a ghosting prospect, hear his best sales demo advice, and find out which song he uses to get pumped up before a demo.
Watch the video or read the transcripts below:
What’s something sales reps should do to make the buying experience better for prospects?
Take the work off your buyer’s plate. The easier you are to work with, the faster your deals are going to get done.
What’s your favorite cold call/email opening line?
It needs to be something provocative or personal.
What’s your favorite song to pump you up before a demo?
“Call Me, Maybe.”
What’s your best sales demo advice?
You’ve got to demo the thing that’s most important to your buyer and just that thing.
What’s the worst reaction a prospect had to a joke you said?
I’m just not funny enough to even get any reaction. I try to avoid those.
What’s the best piece of sales coaching you ever received?
The hard way is the easy way.
For example, selling to power is hard and can be scary for a junior rep. But it’s so much easier if you learn to do it early in your career and will result in getting much bigger deals faster.
What’s your biggest sales no-no?
Pitching before discovery or talking before listening.
Best tip to handle a ghosting prospect?
Use humor. I think it sends the message that you got ghosted but gives them an out.
To win 5-lbs bag of walnuts, count down from 10 but exchange the numbers 2,4,7,8 with the word “walnut”. If you mess up at all you lose.
Ten, nine, walnut, walnut, six, walnut, three, walnut, walnut.
No nuts for me.