In our 18th episode of The Sales MiNUT, we sat down with Natalie Stezovsky, a Senior Sales Manager at Storyblocks.
Watch this 1-minute video hear what reps should do to make the buying experience better for prospects, learn why she’ll sometimes put Adele memes in her emails, and find out what her best sales tip is.
Watch the video or read the transcripts below:
What’s the last sales tip you heard that hit home?
Look for ways that you might lose the deal. Poke holes in it.
What’s the best cold call/email opening line you’ve ever heard?
I’m actually going to give you a follow up email to somebody who ghosts you because it works every time.
I channel Adele and I use her song, “Hello from the other side”. That’s the subject line. Then in the body of the email, I actually use a meme of Adele singing.
What should reps do to make the buying experience better for prospects?
Understand how they have to sell the solution internally, ask what their bosses care about, and make it easy for them to sell into those folks.
What’s the most awkward thing that ever happened to you on a Zoom call?
I’m a huge Kansas City Chiefs fan. We were playing the Miami Dolphins in the wild card game, and I was speaking with a prospect from Miami, and I opened up the call saying that I was a Chiefs fan.
He said, “Oh, no. We’re not doing this,” and hung up the phone on me. I tried to call him back and he straight up would not answer.
To win 5-lbs of walnuts, count down from 10 but switch 2,3,7,8 with the word “walnut”.
Ten, nine, walnut, six, five, walnut, walnut, two, one. I think I messed that up.